April 19, 2011

Child's Play in Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Last year, when the weather was a little warmer and the grass a little greener, these children learned to play with the low-tech toys of the 1700's on Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. In colonial times, children played board games, rolled hoops, nine pins in addition to their chores, reading, dancing and sewing. 

It's amazing to watch high tech children become enthralled with simple, handmade toys.


  1. What a different life for kids back then...

  2. I think it's a wonderful way to learn about history as well!
    Your picture is beautiful! :)
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  3. I love the expression and attitude of the little girl - she's drinking in every word:-)

  4. They all look so fascinated! I remember how even when I was little we played with so many more things than kids do now, now they just love their video games and that's almost it! I actually saw a little girl with a Barbie doll on the bus for the first time in years last week!
