April 28, 2011

Fencing On The Palace Green, Colonial Williamburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

These colonial gentlemen entertained the tourists with a very robust fencing demonstration on the greens in front of the Governor's Palace in Colonial Williamsburg. They discussed fencing, the equipment and the tradition in colonial times.  While dueling in Europe was normally this type of sword fight, in the colonies, pistols was the preferred method as fencing schools for the gentry were not as prevalent here.


  1. You'll get a laugh when you hear that when I read the title of your post, I was thinking of a fence. And I was wracking my brain trying to remember where there was a fence on the palace green! :)

    This is a much more interested photo than that would have been!


  2. Vikings used swords, but later on guns etc. was the most used weapons in Europe :-)
    I'm looking forward to se another season at "your place"!!
