April 21, 2011

Stained Glass Tributes, College of William And Mary School of Law, Williamsburg, Virginia

These stained glass windows adorn one end of the lobby of the College of William and Mary Law School. The first depicts Sir Christopher Wren, the architect whose name is attached to the original building on the campus of the college and the second,Sir William Blackstone, a renowned jurist, judge and politician in England in the 1700's whose Commentaries on English Law were the basis of study and discussion of English common law for generations. Reflections of the flourescent lights can be seen in each.


  1. Great windows - and what a work which is done here.

  2. This is one of my favorite subject to pictures, thanks so much for this post!
    These windows are amazing, lots of special details there!
    Hugs and Happy Easter!
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  3. Stained glass windows are always interesting. I like the small details at the foot of each of these.

  4. I just love stained glass! These are beautiful.
