May 10, 2011

The Gatekeeper, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

This costumed employee of Colonial Willaimsburg maintains his watch at the entry to the George Wythe House.  (Click here for Wythe House Photos)  While it is free to wander through the historic district, you  must purchase a pass to enter the historic exhibits. So the "gatekeeper" checks each person for a pass.

Colonial Williamsburg maintains the historic district in its 1770's appearance, when it was the capitol of Virginia, and presents many historical exhibits, homes, museums, trades, and dining experiences as they were when George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry took part in the colonial government and planned for the revolution.


  1. When I was in New England around Nantucket there were lots of costumed characters around the tourist attractions. They even talked in the old English style.

  2. Time hast stopped in that place, in that man. Great option photo for deja vu.



    Barcelona Daily Photo

  3. I love to walk in the garden at the Whythe house. Oh, and the wallpaper in the hallway! Wow!

  4. This chap needs to go on a walking tour FAST!

  5. Very interesting information, I like so much to know about the History there!Thanks for sharing!

  6. Thanks for sharing a little history behind Colonial Williamsburg. I can't wait to check out the colonial williamsburg real estate when I visit the area for schooling. I will definitely check out some of the historic areas upon my visit!
