May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day From Williamsburg, Virginia

Happy Memorial Day and a special thank  you to all those who have served in the armed service and their families.  Your sacrifices allow us to be. This patriotic display is from Stars and Stripes Forever at Riverwalk Landing in Yorktown, Virginia where everything is red, white and blue - including the flowers.


  1. It's a beautiful hanging basket!

  2. Beautiful patriotic colours in the arrangement. Thanks for visiting my blog even though I've been so absent. I am back now and although Blogger does prevent me from commenting on certain blogs, I hope this one goes through. Have a great day. Jo

  3. Happy Memorial Day, lovely tribute! The flowers are gorgeous.

  4. Happy Memorial day, and I will be out watching the parade today.

  5. Happy Memorial Day Darryl and Ruth.

  6. What a lovely flower basket! Enjoy your holiday :o)

  7. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    Thank YOU for remembering to commemorate Memorial Day is honor to all who gave some and some who gave all! (
