June 22, 2011

Leather In Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

In colonial times, without synthetics, everything was made of natural materials which were readily available. As the photos show, round flasks, powder shot flasks, leather bottles (above) and fire buckets (below) were just some of the items made from leather for everyday use. Leather from different animals was selected for use depending on the item to be made and how and where it would be used. Click here for more information. These photos are from the Greenhow store in Colonial Williamsburg.


  1. I never would have thought of buckets being made of leather. Interesting. I guess it was easier to fabricate a leather bucket than a wooden bucket made with short barrel staves.

  2. Fun to see all the leather products in that store! It would be fun to visit there!

  3. That sounds interesting. I would never have thought that they even leather for drinking.

  4. AnonymousJune 22, 2011

    Oh yeah, ones upon a time...
    Great photos, and the link too. Thanks to Google translater I got it right in a hurry, so to speak ;-) It was a very interesting story about the works with leather, and brought a smile reading, that paper was very expensive using for patterns. Until few years ago paper was used to almost every patterns in lots of productions, but now it all been maked on computers, and robots makes the finale cuts.
    I hope you understand my words/meaning with this comment - don't use Google translater here, danish/english, 'cause it takes to much time, and besides I try to be better writing "free-style" *LOL*

  5. They were very creative at find ways to create what they needed.
    Very interesting information!
