June 30, 2011

Shearing The Sheep At Busch Gardens, Williamsburg Virginia

Busch Gardens Williamsburg keep black-faced Scottish sheep at the Highland Stables. They were being sheared the day we were there so we got a great before and after shot.


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  2. I really enjoy your photos of your town, and check your blog almost every day.

    How does a shorn sheep feel?


    Just a silly little joke I heard from the kids at school.

  3. We could use one of these grass eating machines in our yard. Nice shots!

    be happy and well,

  4. they look good! glad to see this as i was at a farm where they sheared so close they scraped the skin and now the sheep have no protection from the flies. i like this way better. thanks for sharing! ;)

  5. Will make a lovely jumper (sweater)!

  6. That reminds me that it's time for me to get my summer cut as well.
