July 6, 2011

New Addition To The Visitor Center, Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia

Colonial Williamsburg's Visitor Center, the starting place for your journey into colonial life, has added a cafe to its amenities. In addition to buying your admission pass to the museums, you can catch the bus or begin a walk to the historic district, shop and now, grab a snack - all before you see the main attraction.  You should also watch the movie, "Williamsburg: The Story of a Patriot," starring Jack Lord of Hawaii Five-O fame, which introduces you to the history of the area. It is the longest running movie in American cinema history having been shown since 1957.   Click here for a brief clip.


  1. There's nothing like a coffee to energize you for an excursion, especially in a nice little cafe like this.

  2. I remember that video! I also have still my badge around here somewhere.

  3. Do NOT plan on eating lunch here! $7 for a pre-made brown-bag style sandwich, like you would pack for a cheap lunch. It was so bad I actually took a picture. A week of vacation at Williamsburg and DC, and eating at this cafe is the only time I really felt ripped off.
