August 27, 2011

Warding Off Hurricane Irene With The Fife and Drum Corps At Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This is a photo of the fife and drum corps that performs regularly in Colonial Williamsburg. It is a re-post, but given that we had an earthquake a couple days ago, will be visited by Hurricane Irene Saturday and Sunday, and are trying to settle our daughter who recently graduated from college and got her first real job five hours away, we thought you wouldn't mind. All is well, (so far) but it has been quite a week. Maybe the corps will scare away the hurricane.


  1. Such wonderful pageantry in your part of the country! You do have a busy schedule, but most important...stay safe!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter, and to you.

    Good luck with the hurricane. Of course in Colonial Williamsburg they would have no idea when a hurricane was about to hit them.

  3. That is so beautiful. Stay safe this weekend!

  4. It's a wonderful photo and very worthwhile of a re-post, sounds like you have much more to think about, I hope all is well over the next two days, stay safe.

  5. We are to visit Williamsburg soon so we are praying for no damage from the hurricane!

  6. Beautiful picture !

    Stay safe over the weekend. I'm currently in Maryland but I can leave these region for northbound today.

    Good luck


  7. What a good looking musical marching group! Good luck with the Hurricane - hope you and yours will all be ok and not much damage, Darryl and Ruth!

  8. Glad you're safe and well, Darryl and Ruth. Hope your daughter is settled in by now. Blessings, Jo
