September 19, 2011

A Taste Of Autumn In Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This employee of Colonial Williamsburg donned her jacket as the temperature dropped from the upper 80's to the mid-60's over the weekend, giving a little taste of the fall weather approaching.


  1. It looks like the jacket is part of the period costume, but the sunglasses are not. Which raises a question of whether people had sunglasses in colonial times. People wore glasses back then, but I don't remember seeing any old paintings of people in sunglasses.

  2. Very interesting to see something very colonial. Always nice to keep something old.

  3. Autumn is already here as well!This is a beautiful portrait!
    Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

  4. I love this season of the year! Thank you! Cathy

  5. We have been breaking out the jackets here as well, but in true Canadian fashion, no one here wears a jacket until it's below 60 :o)

  6. it turned cool down here too! would love to spend a fall day in williamsburg!

  7. She looks like she stepped out of another time - it must be wonderful to see and photograph. We got down to 37 at our house a couple of nights ago, so fall has finally arrived here too.
