October 21, 2011

Harvest Tree, Williamsburg, Virginia

This potted "tree" celebrates the fall harvest with its decorated gourds and pumpkins. The black cats on the table are painted gourds. The large gourd to the left of the pot and those in the background are hollowed so a candle can be placed inside to make the leaves carved into its side glow.


  1. Interesting theme for a harvest tree ...

  2. That is interesting. I first thought it was easter eggs, we have the same tree at easter.

  3. Hi there, have just been catching up on your posts that I missed over the last few days. Enjoyed your pictures from the Farmers Market and really loved the images of The Godspeed, the tall ships are so beautiful, would be fantastic to sail around the harbour on one. Hope you both have an excellent weekend.

  4. What an interesting little piece of table decor. I like it!

  5. What a cute idea! You do live in one of the most charming and historic cites. I love colonial Williamsburg. Thanks for comments on my blog...and Yes the picture was taken at Codorus State park...we live just 7 miles from there. Gettysburg is our historic spot.

  6. Very interesting and colorful!

  7. Great stuff! My daughter was playing with a gourd we got last night, though it wasn't anything as decorative as in your image. :)
