November 9, 2011

Renovating Anderson's Blacksmith Shop, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Anderson's Blacksmith shop is undergoing extensive renovations. After an archaeological excavation at the site, the new building is taking shape. In these photos, the costumed tradesman is enclosing the roof. As you can see, the building materials and tools are also historically appropriate.


  1. It does look like very serious renovation or total re-make !

  2. Dear Darryl and Ruth, everything is so authentic and proper in your town! Are these "workers" paid by the municipality or are they volunteers? Have a great day. Greetings, Jo

  3. It is wonderful that necessary renovations such as these can be completed thanks to a generous benefactor.
    Thanks for always showing us what's going on around CW, your photographs make me feel as if I'm there.

  4. The blacksmith shop will be a great addition to the city. Wish we could tap into some of that funding for restorations in our little historic village! Jim

  5. What a treat it would be to watch a blacksmith at his craft.

  6. You can also watch them work on the armory daily...

  7. Building history. Impressed !

    Please have you all a good Thursday.

  8. This would be fun to watch, as they reconstruct the building using old tools and old techniques. I see that the donor was Forrest Mars, who I think is from the Mars candy family.
