December 19, 2011

Colonial Christmas Decorations At The Geddy House, Williamsburg, Virginia

The decorations on the Geddy House in Colonial Williamsburg feature a variety of items from apples and pine cones to dried flowers.


  1. Very nice decorations


  2. Wonderful Christmas wreaths, I would love to hang one on my front door! So nice that they're made with all natural elements.

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  4. Beautiful natural wreaths. Inspiring.

  5. Providing me with inspiration for my wreath next year!

  6. beautiful...those colonists were so creative!

  7. Williamsburg is one of my favorite places in the world! I'm glad it's close enough to drive to get there. We usually go in the fall, but I'll bet Christmastime is an amazing time, also.

    I found your blog through Occasional Scotland and am glad I did! I'll be back.

  8. The decorations are an elegant use of nature's bounty!

  9. Absolutely beautiful... especially the last wreath. I wonder what dried flower/pod the long branch like bits are...
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  10. Wonderful displays and photographs as always. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  11. Amazing Christmas Decorations, and naturally great photos too!

  12. Excellent photos and fantastic decorations! It's been a real treat to be able to see these natural decorations...thank you and Merry Christmas!
