April 26, 2012

Strolling In Style, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This couple strolled Duke of Gloucester Street in their stylish threads drawing stares from passersby.


  1. Nice couple. I am wondering. Are people like this walking the whole week in the historic centre and are it actors or volunteers.

  2. Most of the folks in costume are employees of Colonial Williamsburg who fulfill the role of tradesman (shoe maker, wheelwright,etc.), work the stores and taverns, check tickets for the exhibits for which you pay to enter, or who give tours. They also have theatrical productions on the streets reenacting historical events in which costumed characters are involved. Many tourist also rent costumes or bring their own in order to become part of the atmosphere.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  3. Great photo of a lovely, stylish couple! I love her zone-front gown. The styles of the 1780s are my favorite.

  4. Such a romantic post!!! Indeed a handsome couple!! Cathy

  5. How very wonderful a sight indeed. Please have you all a good Friday ahead.

  6. YAY!!! These two are perfectly dressed/costumed! Most excellent!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  7. Oh, to be that young in any century!

  8. both are very nicely turned out! I've always thought how fun it would be to have a "job" like this in Williamsburg!

  9. This is what I loved about Williamsburg. I should scan some of my photos to show on my blog as well. They were taken with a film camera and was there for Christmas. Such a wonderful place, I hope to get back one of these days. My fave place was the shoemaker since my Dad was a shoe repairman. Thanx for this photo!!

  10. Por favor,y sin ánimo de ofender no utilicen la palabra disfraz,estas pareja van perfectamente indumentadas,con un trabajo exquisito,son recreadores de época perfectamente ataviados.Disfraz es otra cosa,y sé de lo hablo.Perdon por mis palabras si en algo ofendo a alguien.
