May 8, 2012

Courthouse And Magazine, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

One evening we were walking in the colonial district and were able to take this photo of the courthouse and powder magazine without a crowd of tourists.


  1. Looks also a bit on some dutch churches around 1750 in the little villages south of amsterdam

  2. Great shot, I guess it is hard to take photos in Williamsburg without having a tourist in your photo. Have a wonderful day!

  3. I like it! Those of us who live in historic places have the advantage over visitors of being able to get out with the camera when we can get unobstructed shots. And the panorama framing you chose is very effective. Jim

  4. Beautiful view! It is nice court house..

  5. Lovely. Thank you for showing it without the crowd!

  6. This is a really nice photo! The last time I was there it was pretty crowded.
