May 10, 2012

Strawberry Picking, College Run Farms, Surry Virginia

Monday, we managed a day off and went strawberry picking at College Run Farms in Surry County. We took the car ferry over the James River and drove to the farm.  You can pick whatever happens to be in season. We grabbed a gallon of strawberries from the rows and rows of raised strawberry beds. The last photo is of some of our co-pickers carefully searching for the perfect berry. This is a tasty and fun post in our "Good Neighbor Within An Hour" of Williamsburg series.


  1. Some berries and cream would be just about perfect right now. Definitely tastier if you pick them yourself.

  2. I LOVE strawberries! They grow everywhere out here...

  3. Wow, your berries look delicious! Great photo! Have a wonderful day!

  4. Beautiful shot of the strawberries; haven't done that in years. Guess it's about time again!

  5. Oh, YUM! I wish the strawberries were ripe here right now!

  6. Those look delicious!

  7. They look so delicious. Greetings.

  8. What fun! Yummy!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  9. AnonymousMay 10, 2012

    Once when I was a child, my parents took me to alike, back home in Germany. Thank you for the memories. Please have a good Friday you all.

  10. I would be so glad to join!
    Why they do not practicing it here??
    I love strawberries!
