May 26, 2012

Tercentennial Monument, Jamestown Island, Virginia

The monument stands on the island commemorating the founding of Jamestown in 1607.


  1. Bonjour dear friends,
    Adorable set of pictures, the eagle detail is adorable and I like a lot the angle in your second composition, it's awesome!
    I wish you a great weekend,

  2. I had to look up tercentennial to see how many years were being celebrated. We haven't had Europeans in east Tennessee for that long!

  3. Great shots. Makes me want to visit there again.

  4. Wonderful blog! I've been living in Williamsburg two years now. Another good website you might want to add to your list is . Deelyn Neilson has an informative list of communities and runs a blog about twice a week with Williamsburg activities for the upcoming week.

  5. A lot has happened since then. All three of these photos are really good! Thanks for posting them...

  6. I have been to the monument and surrounding area. Absolutely wonderful. The day we were at the monument we shared the orientation video inside the museum with a huge group of English tourists. They were really into the whole theme and were really quite impressed to see the Queen stairs at the dig site.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lovely shots of this monument. 1607 is indeed old in the USA. :-)
