November 25, 2013

The Potter, Williamburg, Virginia

The Potter

 This bronze statue of James "Jimmy" Maloney (April 5, 1912 - July 18, 2005) stands in a beautiful courtyard between buildings at The Pottery shopping center. Maloney founded the Williamsburg Potter in 1938 and built it into a thriving business. The facility became a shopping destination. Recently, a new shopping area was built on site and the pottery buildings are no longer used.  This fitting tribute is part of the new facility.


  1. What a life-like statue and interesting history of why it's there. I can relate as I attend pottery classes twice a week in our small diamond town here in Tanzania. Greetings Jo

  2. great capture,great staute,great artist,well done!!!

  3. Beautiful. The attention to detail is exquisite.
