Welcome to an almost daily peek at our beautiful Williamsburg, Virginia which includes the "Historic Triangle" consisting of Colonial Williamsburg -the world’s largest living history museum- Yorktown and Jamestown.

February 25, 2010

Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg, Virginia

Bruton Parish was established in 1674 and was the church home of many of the founding fathers while in Williamsburg during colonial times.  George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry, among others, attended during their politcal activities in the Virginia House of Burgesses. It was a prime place for public meetings regarding issues with England and the onset of the revolution.

Given the important connections between the Anglican church and the government during colonial times, Bruton Parish is located a short walk from the Governor's Palace on "The Palace Green" and on Duke of Gloucester Street.

Reverend W.A.R Goodwin, during his second tour as rector at Bruton Parish, convinced John D. Rockefeller, Jr. to finance the restoration of Williamsburg, including the church, to its colonial splendor. The church is open for tours and is an incredibly beautiful example of the detail that went into the remaking of Colonial Williamsburg

The church is surrounded by a variety of twisted and gnarled old trees that frame it beautifully and shade the graves encircling the church building.  The graveyard holds the remains of many of Williamsburg's important citizens of colonial days. 

The church has been in continuous operation for more than 300 years.

Up the street from the church is the
lovely Bruton Parish Gift Shop pictured below



I've always loved Williamsburg! Your photos are fantastic! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

What a grand old church built so long ago in the "New World." Kudos to the people of Williamsburg for keeping it in such good condition for all of us to enjoy.

James said...

What a wonderful old church. You really put together a great post. I especially like the picture of the doorway and the rose window. That reflection in the window.

Carletta said...

Excellent post!
Really wonderfully composed shots.

Thanks for your visit. :)

Jientje said...

What a serene and peaceful place. I LOVE that old tree by the gate. It looks like you live in a very beautiful part of the world, thanks for sharing all these beautiful pictures. I've been browsing through recent post and much enjoyed it. Have a great weekend!

maryt/theteach said...

We visited Williamsburg quite a while ago but loved it. I'll really like coming back to visit you on Window Views Thursdays! :)

KaHolly said...

Glald I stopped by today. What an interesting post. You did a lovely job capturing the church in photos! I enjoyed the history lesson. I hope to be able to visit someday. ~karen

Bestemor Drillo said...

Williamsburg looks beautiful and the church is

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