April 20, 2010

Captain John Smith at Historic Jamestown Island, Williamsburg, Virginia

Captain John Smith was among the original group who came to Virginia in 1607, establishing the first permanent English settlement in America. Although he explored and mapped much of the area and was a primary figure in the success of the colony, he in inextricably linked to Pocahontas who saved his life when her father, the indian chief, was going to kill him.  Smith became Governor before returning to England after an accidental injury. This statue of Smith stands at the site of the original fort at Historic Jamestown where he looks over the James River.  Behind, you can see portions of the stockade around the fort and the church.


  1. He sure doesn't look like Colin Farrell! ;)

  2. I m slowly learning the history of Virginia.. following your beautiful blog.
    Thank you.

  3. Thanks for the info on Caption John Smith! Beautiful photo of him..and I love all the hats below!
