September 14, 2011

Elkanah Deane House Well And Garden, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This well in the backyard of the Elakanah Dean House in Colonial Williamsburg sits near the house and garden for easy access.  Mr. Deane was a coach maker and his shop is at the rear of the property which faces the Palace Green. You can watch the tradesmen build wagon wheels and coaches as they did in the 1770's in the shop or just admire the beautiful backyard and garden.


  1. Sigh...

    Everytime I visit your lovely blog I want to be in Williamsburg so badly!

    Thanks for the virtual visits!


  2. Quite lovely. Functional and pretty as well.

  3. When I was little I saw my first water well in Cinderella and I have wanted one in my yard ever since then :o)

  4. Another treasure. I was particularly struck by the moss on the roof of the well...So neat! Cathy
