September 15, 2011

James Blair Statue At The College Of William And Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia

This statue of the Reverend James Blair stands on the campus of the College of William and Mary. Blair was the founding president of the college in 1693.


  1. Hello, I am a new follower of your blog.
    This is the most amazing blog, the photos are gorgeous and your blog brings back wonderful memories of the week spent in Williamsburg with my family. I never forgot the wonderful sights and restaurants and shops and the feeling of
    being part of history. I am hoping to go back soon, this time with my grown daughter, sister and mother. Ashley was just 5 when we were there 17 years ago.
    Thank you for this wonderful photo tour of Williamsburg.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  2. Thats an all around incredibly written blog!

  3. This makes great sense!
