November 27, 2011

Flute Frenzy At Merchants Square, Williamsburg, Virginia

The Farmers Market at Merchant Square presents entertainment along with the great food and products offered for sale. "Flute Frenzy" played a couple of weeks ago. These youths put on a great show as they played a variety of flutes from piccolos to bass flutes.


  1. You and I are up late aren't we! Loved Merchant's Square when we lived close by Williamsburg. Learned something new...I'd never heard of or seen a bass flute...would like to have heard them playing!

  2. It's so nice when you're pottering around a market to have musical accompaniment in the background, and flute music would be very relaxing.

  3. I never imagined there was such as a bass flute! It brought to mind discovering the trombone choirs of the Moravian Church on a visit to Old Salem in North Carolina. I hadn't been aware of the range of trombones either. Jim

  4. Love its sound. Thank you for these happy vibes. Please have a good week ahead.

    daily athens photo

  5. Wow, I had never seen a bass flute. Thank you for sharing these images with us.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie
