November 26, 2011

King's Arms Tavern Foyer, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This is the foyer and stairs just inside the door of the King's Arms Tavern on Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg. It features two stories of dining in the historic tavern along with traditional colonial fare. 


  1. It sure looks old and nice the lantern with the kings crown on it.

  2. Beautiful stairs!

  3. Is that an added metal handrail? Shame to have to do that, the woodwork is so fine. I suppose large numbers of tourists are a mixed blessing. Pretty spot; fine photograph. Jim

  4. This is one great picture !

    Please have you all a good weekend.

    daily athens photo

  5. how wonderful! I do miss Williamsburg very much, need to get back in 2012 if possible! hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!!
