November 6, 2011

Heave Ho! Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This costumed employee of Colonial Williamsburg put all his might and weight into getting this cart moving. Slowly but surely he got it moving and then rolled down the streets of the historic district to collect whatever load he was to haul.


  1. He looks rather trim. If he were heavier it might be easier to get the cart rolling.

  2. Aww.. we visited Colonial Williamsburg last summer. My nieces greatly enjoyed the visit. :)

  3. Hi folks, what a beautiful blog and although I have never been there I know by reputation how beautiful that place is. My town is similar. We have many buildings in our town that look like the one in your header and a carriage company too. In the summer every weekend there are reenactments in the Old Bardstown Village. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods.

  4. Another victim of budget cutting? ;-)

  5. Doesn't that guy have a horse? Maybe he could have borrowed his neighbor's horse, non?

  6. Wow, I bet he was sore later on!

  7. strength !

    great picture. please have a good new week you all.

    daily athens photo
