December 29, 2011

Painting History In Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

An almost constant fixture in Colonial Williamsburg is Edwin Green, whose watercolors draw almost as much attention from tourists as the history he paints on Duke of Gloucester Street. Click here to see more of his work.


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  3. Fantastic image! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Holiday and I wish you all the best in 2012. Happy New Year!

  4. He is very talented. I can especially appreciate his talent, as I have tried doing a few watercolors, lacking genuine talent.

  5. I visited Mr. Green's website, his watercolors are beautiful...sometime during the New Year I'll check them out more thoroughly and perhaps purchase one for my son for Christmas. He loved Williamsburg when we lived there!

  6. How lovely to be able to paint what you see:-)
    Happy New Year to you and yours and a Peaceful and Healthy 2012.

  7. How wonderful!!! Watercolor is such a beautiful medium.
    Have a happy new year.
    Always, Queenie

  8. I really would like painting like him ! very nice...
    Happy New Year from Padova, all the best to you and the family ! ciao ciao

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  10. I love this artist, it's really good!

  11. I bought a watercolor print as my souvenir of Williamsburg in September. Although I think it was a different artist.

    They make a wonderful way to remember Colonial Williamsburg. I wish I lived close enough to visit at Christmas.
