January 3, 2012

The Keys To The Tavern, Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

These keys to the King's Arms Tavern hang conveniently inside the door. The doors on the colonial buildings still have authentic locks which use the large keys.


  1. I enjoy the contrasts here... the old skeleton key is delightful!

  2. Happy New Year, Darryl and Ruth. It's so good knowing you through blogger and learning about your fascinating city. Love the keys! Greetings, Jo

  3. Old keys and locks are beautiful works of art and so intricate. It's good to know they're still in use.

  4. A very well-composed photo; good work. Do you both take the pictures? I don't remember the pegs the keys are hanging on from our visit to Williamsburg, but I'm sure I must have seen them. We'll have to come back one day soon. Jim

  5. Could you imagine if today's key's were that big... wow
    Have a great day and happy new year!
    Always, Queenie

  6. Your photos are always first class...nice looking keys!

  7. Nice! I just a bunch of old and large keys in an antique shop the other day. I was surprised at how big the keys were. I assume it was for leverage.
