On Saturday, Williamsburg / James City County, had the misfortune of being hit by the very large storm that swept the country and included tornadoes touching down in several states. These scenes are a few miles down the road from us and show a number of large trees uprooted and the roof lifted off a mobile home. Trees were stripped bare and/or snapped in two on either side of the road and many houses were seriously damaged. We were untouched other than suffering a power outage for about 14 hous. Clean up is moving along with the crews doing a great job of clearing roads, removing trees and making temporary repairs. Gloucester County, across the York River to the north of us, saw one of its schools partially destroyed and several deaths.
Colonial Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, Historic Jamestown and Yorktown tourist areas were not affected as the damage was in isolated areas.
Sorry to know about this here, i have been following in news too. Hope you are all fine.
Wow, that is quite something! I'm glad you are okay and will say a prayer for those affected by the storm.
I heard about the tornados on the news. It must have been so frightening! Praying for those who lost their homes or loved ones. Please keep safe :-)
are very close to all of you at this critical time, I hope you can return to normal soon, a hug Elettra
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